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John Goodmanson...
is a record producer, recording engineer, and mixer based in Seattle, Washington. You can have him record you.

Spring 2025

Allright allright allright, here's an update...

In the interest of getting SOMETHING posted here's a big random list of stuff I worked on since the last update. Sorry for forgetting you...

Most recently I produced a record for Rocky Vodelato's new project Suzzallo. You should check it out. It will change your life.

I also mixed Nada Surf's LP Moon Mirror which made a whole bunch of critic's year end lists...

Somewhere toward the end of lockdown I produced and mixed Breaking The Balls of History by the awesome Quasi.

All the way along I've been mixing tracks for the brilliant Sleeping At Last who played Carnagie Hall with The Chicago Symphony Orchestra toward the end of last year for crying out loud. It was fantastic!

Aaaand I mixed an EP for
Paris Jackson (yes, of THOSE Jacksons). She's the real deal and if you don't know you should check out her music.

I've been working on a secret project with Mike McCready (Pearl Jam). You should check out his label Hockey Talker Records. We've also worked on a number of movie scores (like, 5 of them) - the two that were ACTUALLY RELEASED (#themoviebizamirite) were a Beach Boys doc for Disney+ and a batch of rock songs for a movie called "You Gotta Believe" on Netflix.

At some point I recorded an EP worth of alternate versions of songs from Sleater-Kinney's Little Rope LP. The EP is called Frayed Rope and 2 of of the songs feature string arrangements(!)

...and right after the border opened back up I produced and mixed The Dirty Nil's Free Rein to Passions. It's frickin' awesome.

Spring 2021

Hello! Quick update on what I’ve been working on. In early 2020 I went to Toronto to record, produce and mix The Dirty Nil’s Fuck Art LP – I had to get on the last plane back to Seattle before the borders were closed, but we finished the album async. The latest single Blunt Force Concussion is on the Top 40 alternative charts!  I mixed two amazing songs for a collaboration by Sleeping At Last and Tim Fain – one of the songs is for NASA. The Needs are a groovy powerpop band from Norway, and I’m mixing their new album (title TBA).  I’m working with a fantastic group of actors and performers who are remotely recording “Afterwords” an upcoming musical production by The 5th Avenue Theater – I’ll be mixing the songs from the production.

This is turning in to an annual update
Fall 2019
Hey! There's a new Hockey Dad LP that I produced! Also, there's a new Wolf Parade record on the way (a production adventure) - here's a video. Let's see, there's also a super fantastic Nada Surf LP on the way that I (mostly) mixed - here's a video. Ummm, also, we've been working on an acoustic LP for Mr. Danny Newcomb. Did we talk about the proudly riotus punk of Foxx Bodies from Los Angeles? They rule. And I just completed mixing on an LP by Hathors from Switzerland. I'll remember more (hopefully) in a few, but check these out if you get a chance. Much love -jg
Fall showed up
September 2018
Damn, It’s been so long since an update I’m just going to link a bunch of things for folks to check out: Freaking Sloucher from Seattle, No Win from Los Angeles, Freedom Baby from Toronto, Cullen Omari on Sub Pop , Portlandia, Hockey Dad from Austrailia, Anna’s Anchor from Limerick, Fleurie, and of course Sleeping At Last.

Two LP’s dropping at the moment that I want to mention:

The The Dirty Nil are from Dundas, ONT (outside of Toronto) and they rule. Their record comes out this week on Dine Alone. Here’s a review on Noisey. It’s a fucking awesome rock and roll record - we tracked in Toronto at a place called Union Sound - a killer studio with a mix of old and new and a room that just works.

Moon Honey live in Los Angeles, but really they’re from Baton Rouge, LA. Their record is finally coming out at the end of the month and they’re having a release party at The Echo that promises to be the event of the season. It’s beautiful record that has taken a long time to see the light of day.
Crazy Winter and Spring 
Summer of 2017
It’s been busy over the winter/spring here in the Pac NW. I produced and mixed a new LP for Wolf Parade (!) - coming out soon on Universal Canada and Sub Pop.  It’s an unbelievable record - we tracked and mixed at Robert Lang Studios in Seattle and then did overdubs at Noise Floor, a studio in BC.  Tons of analog keyboards, ethereal guitars, piano, horns and fantastically great songs.  

An awesome band, Hockey Dad, came to Seattle from Australia by way of SXSW to record an LP of 12 songs of fuzzy pop goodness.   They’re like a surfy Nirvana, if you can imagine – and currently on tour in their homeland of Australia with that continent’s reunited rock heroes Grinspoon.  NPR loves Hockey Dad - check it out! 

I had the pleasure of recording additional Christmas songs with Train to add tracks to their Christmas LP. In just three days at the luxurious Bear Creek studio we tracked five new songs.  It’s so strange to record Xmas songs in April, but so much fun to do with an ace band who are an amazing bunch of dudes - currently on tour everywhere in the world for the next crazy long time due to the massive pop success of “Play That Song”.  

A great young Seattle band, Great Grandpa, asked me to mix their Plastic Cough LP. It’s a super cool record – and NPR loves Great Grandpa too!  Check out their song 'Teen Challenge' on NPR’s “songs we love”.  

I mixed two singles -- “Trophy Wall” and “Run Run Run Run Run” -- for School is Cool, a baroque-pop sextet from Antwerp, Belgium.  The land of beer, chocolate and pop songs!

Moon Honey is about to release a video for “Beta Fish” from their LP (out soon!), and then another video a month after that.   In June they played a month-long residency at the EchoPlex.  I was lucky to see the first show of the residency and it was mind blowing!  If you’re in LA go see them live - these guys will make your year! 

Hit the Road, Jack 
Summer of 2016

I’ve been on the road a lot so far this year!  In March, I moseyed on down to a fantastic studio called Sonic Ranch in El Paso, Texas to engineer/produce/mix the Cloud Nothings new LP World Without Sound out soon on Carpark Records. The place is fantastic and surreal - no wonder everyone’s been going there to record. The owner, Tony, is the best, and is building a scene based on positive energy and love for the music and you can feel it throughout. Nick Zinner says: “no reason to ever go anywhere else”.

Then in April an amazing rock band called the.switch traveled from Prague to have me produce/mix their new LP.  Huge sounding rock - we worked at the ever-awesome Robert Lang Studios. This band is more organized and has more going on than I or anyone else can believe. They’ve been around awhile and sound like a punky/emo Soundgarden without the metal screeching (all the best bits, if you ask me). They’ve been adding parts back in Prague, as Mike (guitar) is also a producer and music mogul. I’m still mixing, and they’ve already made videos and probably are putting the final touches on a documentary about the whole thing. They are a machine. Respect. Czech it out!

Later in April I traveled to Echo Park, CA to engineer/produce/mix a new LP by the astonishing Moon Honey. I cannot wait for the world to hear it. Transcendent and brilliant. No kidding.

Most of June and July was spent in Fridao, Portugal where I recorded tracks for Los Campesinos! forthcoming 6th album. The country and studio were brilliant (as is the band, but you knew that). We worked at Natura Recording and it was amazing. I want to write something about al the new ways people are setup to record and what great opportunities there are, but I’ve got a ton of mixing to do first.

So yeah, right now wrapping up lots of mixes, including a new live LP for Sleater-Kinney, to come out on Sup Pop Records. All the while, I’ve been mixing gorgeous song after gorgeous song by Sleeping at Last ..so far this year has included Hearing, Joy, and Sorrow….all self-released.

Mixing Mixing Mixing
Fall of 2015

Loved mixing Sleater-Kinney’s 4-song Cassingle (aka cassette single) for Sup Pop Records.  Delicious as ever were the four songs I mixed for Nada Surf’s You Know Who You Are LP on Barsuk Records.   Mixed the 5-song Play EP for my dear friends, Hanson.  As a beautiful thread running through everything, I mixed the heartbreakingly beautiful melodies of three Sleeping at Last’s songs: Touch, Taste, and Smell. 

Coming up for air!

This year continues to rock on….absolutely thrilled to have produced and mixed Christmas in Tahoe, a gorgeous holiday album for Train; then engineered/produced/mixed Are You Listening?, an album of jaw dropping songs by kindie rock pop stars The Not-Its!  In June/July I produced and mixed the sizzling Potty Mouth S/T EP for Potty Mouth, a super talented trio from Massachusetts… check out the songs on their Bandcamp site.   I’ve just finished mixing a fantastic album, Higher Power, for Ontario rock n’ rollers The Dirty Nil, who I was lucky enough to see live on the Vans Warped Tour last month -- they ruled!  Life is always better with Sleeping at Last in it, and over the past few months I mixed two new songs of Ryan’s:  "Daughter" and "Son".  Lots more coming up – will update again soon!



We're rolling...
Tons going on so far in 2015...started the year with co-producing, with Cody Votolato, the new album by Dude York, then mixed a 5 song EP for dear pals Hanson. Along the way, mixed a lovely Live at the Neptune Theatre Nada Surf record. About to head into Robert Lang Studios for a breakneck mix of the new album by "noisegrind" supergroup Head Wound City, feat. members of Blood Brothers and Yeah Yeah Yeahs, along with Justin Pearson and Gabe Serbian from The Locust and Holy Molar. Lots more upcoming TBA!
Hello 2015!
Super excited for the upcoming release of the new Sleater-Kinney album, No Cities to Love, which I'm very honored to have produced and mixed. The release date is January 20th but you can download Bury Our Friends from their website NOW! Lots of press happening about the record, including this New York Times article, and upcoming articles in Rolling Stone, the NME, and more!
so far this year...
It's been a busy year, with adventures and tunes galore. Recording, producing and mixing an EP of stellar songs by BellaMaine; one evening after a lovely dinner, recording hauntingly beautiful vocal tracks in the living room by Matthew Caws (Nada Surf) and Michael Benjamin Lerner (Telekinesis); recording and producing a stunning record by Danny Newcomb, soon to come out on Mike McCready's label, Hockey Talkter Records; mixing always fantastic and lovely songs by Sleeping At Last , traveling across the world to Nova Scotia to make an amazing powerpop record by Dance Movie, complete with a sailing trip in Halifax Harbor; mixing a Christmas (!) EP for Los Campesinos!; mixing an August 2014 live performance by The Blood Brothers for EPITAPH. Some other great things are TBA too!
Mix/Overdub space is complete
After some heavy lifting the mix/overdub studio space is up and going. First clients were Sky Larkin, over from Leeds for a new record. They named the old space Bogroll as well as lived there for one of their records so it seems appropriate (as this new space is dubbed "Bogroll Two"), and they are good sports to be guinea pigs for the new studio setup. They are awesome, as always, and I can't wait for the world to hear their new record. Tons of other stuff in the meantime - too much to talk about, so I'll just make a list (and I know I'll forget half - please forgive my memory):

There was a record for Kyte (UK), a Corin Tucker Band LP mix, some Los Campesinos! 7"'s, One of the Sleeping At Last tracks wound up in a Twilight movie (hurrah!), A fantastic Ceremony LP, Some things for a Perfume Genius LP, A record for Kim Talon that came out under the moniker "Jan", An LP mix for a Montreal francophone act called Chinatown that was wonderful, and EP for Anacortes' act BellaMaine, a song for Eclectic Approach that they wound up performing on The Jimmy Kimmel show, and in progress are an LP by All The Real Girlsthe brainchild of singer/songwriter Peter Donovan, and American rock act Cody Beebe and the Crooks.

Finishing a new Los Campesinos! record and catching my breath
Holy cow - no notes for a bit - it's good to be busy, but sheesh. I moved out of the Bogroll Studio space in the winter to move into a new house and the plan calls for a studio there and it's been nonstop since. So far the new space has just been for mixing. It ain't pretty yet, but it's working.

There were so many projects last year that I never mentioned on the website. Sleeping At Last has a thing called yearbook that you can sign up for and they make three songs a month and send them to you. It's been a wonderful treat to work on it every month. There was a Hanson lp that got mixed awhile back - here's an interview in The Stranger about it. Also a track on the new Weezer LP. Mixed the new Lonely Forest record that was produced by Chris Walla - really really good album by a great bunch of guys.

Most recently back from tracking a new Los Campesinos! record in Spain - Tom came to Seattle for the mixes and we're putting the final tweaks on what is an amazing, amazin', record. They have a fanclub/Single of the month thing called Heat Rash that you simply must join - you get a 7" and a 'zine and a lot of exclusive stuff from the band.

Other stuff that never wound up on the website includes: A 7" for We Rock Like Girls Don't , an LP mix for Bronze Radio Return, a couple of mixes for The Minutes, an EP for Andy from Matchbook Romance's new thing called Drift Division, Over xmas the very last Harvey Danger song was NPR's song of the day. Also mixes for The David James Band, The Working Hour, Dustin Ruth and I'm probably forgetting a bunch of really important things.


The Globes, Sky Larkin, Black Whales, Nada Surf
Quick update, since ThreeImaginaryGirls.com is linking to this...

Sky Larkin made a new record. We recorded it mostly at London Bridge Studios and finished in my space (Bogroll). Those poor guys had to live here while we made the record. It's tremendous. We also finished that lovely Globes LP - it's freakin great - can't wait till the world gets to hear it. You can get an EP here .

Somewhere in there we did mixes for Nada Surf's new LP of awesome cover songs (get the gatefold vinyl!).

Just now finishing an LP for Black Whales, who are just awesome. Check them out! Somebody sign this band and make a shit ton of money!
Jaguar Love, Los Campesinos!, Owl City, The Globes
I guess it's been awhile since an update. Los Campesinos! came to Seattle from Wales to track the second half of their new record, and then we finished it up in Wales - it's brilliant. Right before Los Campesinos!, Owl City came to Seattle to mix their record, Ocean Eyes, which is now all over the radio in the USA. Jaguar Love recently camped out at Bogroll Studios and we have just finished an amazing new record. In between have been tracks for Sky Larkin, Harvey Danger, and Here Come The Birds (Australia). We are now one week in to a The Globes record and it's sounding magnificent!
In the Studio with Los Campesinos!
I'm working on a new Los Campesinos! record at The Carriage House recording studio in Stamford, CT. I also just mixed an LP for Girls, a great band from San Francisco.
Home Sweet Home
January 20, 2009
Welcome to the all-new JohnGoodmanson.com. Browse around: it's all fresh. The song that's playing is "Weightless" by Nada Surf (from their new album Lucky). The drawings you're looking at are by Derek Erdman.

Enjoy and have a great 2009!
In the Studio
Some of John's latest projects include recording The Long Winters' new LP and mixing the new LP for Kay Kay and his Weathered Underground.
Featured projects
Wolf Parade
Cry Cry Cry
Blonde Redhead
Misery is a Butterfly
No Cities To Love
The Blood Brothers